From 1st January 2023, Legislative Decree 3 September 2020, n.116 came into force which provides that all packaging placed on the Italian market is “appropriately labeled according to the methods established by the applicable UNI technical standards and in compliance with the decisions adopted by the European Union Commission, to facilitate collection, reuse, recovery and recycling of packaging, as well as to give correct information to consumers on the final destinations of packaging.”
For the purposes of correct communication and indication of the environmental label, it is important to know that the information to be indicated differs based on the final recipient of the packaging, who can be the final consumer (indicated as B2C, i.e. business to consumer) or a company (B2B, or business to business).
As regards the B2B channel we belong to, it is mandatory to report the alphanumeric coding of the packaging material established by Decision 97/129/EC. All other information remains, however, voluntarily applicable.
Again for the above channel, the rule allows, when it is not possible to affix the symbol on the packaging, to specify these references on the transport documents or to use digital channels which, in this case, can completely replace or integrate the mandatory information reported directly on the packaging.
For any packaging on which there will be no coding, WPS S.r.l. has provided a link on the transport document that will lead to the following web page, where it will be possible to consult the useful codes for labeling the packaging used.
Below is the PDF containing all the relevant information.